Davidson Customs eManifest Portal is priced based on total number of shipments you have crossing in a month. Your company is billed at the end of each month. There are no long-term billing agreements, so you may cancel at any time.
* Note: Shipment totals are the sum of unique U.S. Shipment Control Number (ex. PAPS) and Canadian Cargo Control Numbers (ex. PARS) in ACE/ACI/RNS. For example, an ACI eManifest with matching RNS message counts as 1 shipment.
Davidson Custom Brokers offers affordable and consistent pricing plans for U.S. bonded highway carriers of all sizes with our U.S. In-Bond Manager. Arrive, export and track U.S. in-bonds from one location. You can even link your ACI eManifests to in-bond shipments to automatically close them!